Dragon Ball Culture Volume 1 Spanish Edition ebook Published!

dragon ball cultura volumen 1 ebook published

The Spanish edition of Dragon Ball Culture Volume 1 has been published as an ebook titled Dragon Ball Cultura Volumen 1: Origen! And for a limited time it’s only 99¢.

You can buy it on Amazon, Amazon ES, and Amazon MX, The Dao of Dragon Ball, B & N Nook, Google Play, and Kobo.

Volume 1 contains the world’s first scholarly analysis of the Dragon Ball series as we explore Akira Toriyama’s life story and the origin of Dragon Ball.

In addition, you’ll discover Dragon Ball’s traditional roots in the ancient Chinese legend of Journey to the West.

This book took me over 14 years to write, and I offer a 100% money back guarantee that you will learn something new about Dragon Ball.

Staggered Release

I am releasing Dragon Ball Cultura Volumen 1 as a staggered release.

What does that mean?

This ebook contains chapter 1 of the English edition of Dragon Ball Culture Volume 1, and there are 6 chapters in total.

Chapter 2 of the Spanish edition will be released on April 27, chapter 3 on May 25, chapter 4 on June 29, chapter 5 on July 27, and chapter 6 on August 31.

Each time a new chapter is released the price will increase by 50¢, up to $2.99.

When you buy the ebook now at the introductory price, you will receive all subsequent chapters as FREE updates. So the earlier you buy, the more money you will save.

Once the ebook is complete, the paperback and hardback books will be published on September 28 and November 21, respectively.

I will use the sales from the ebook to fund the publication of the paperback book.

A 5-Star Review from Amazon:

“It paints a picture of how amazing Dragon Ball truly is.”

I’ll walk you through the journey from the first page to the last. And by the time we’re done, you will be an expert on Dragon Ball’s culture.


  • Introducción
  • Enfoque
  • Guía de pronunciación
  • Origen
  • Akira Toriyama

Remember, one new chapter will be released per month, and early buyers will receive it for FREE.

Available now for 99¢.

Thank you for your support, and enjoy the book!

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