Dragon Ball Legends has been announced for smartphones! It is a global real-time Player-versus-Player (PvP) multiplayer game, in full 3D.
Dragon Ball Legends has been announced for smartphones! It is a global real-time Player-versus-Player (PvP) multiplayer game, in full 3D.
Dragon Ball Senator and DBZ composer Nathan Johnson has won the primary election in Dallas, Texas! He won in part because of his pro Dragon Ball agenda!
Dragon Ball Culture Volume 6: Gods is now available in print!
Did you know that Akira Toriyama drew a design for Goku’s martial arts uniform that was never used? It’s true, and I discovered its origin!
Episode 2 of Dragon Ball Z: Light of Hope is here! Watch the live-action DBZ you’ve been waiting for!
The Dao of Dragon Ball is now secure with https (HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure).
Dragon Ball Z composer Nathan Johnson is running for senator in Dallas, Texas, and he’s vowed to fight hard for the values of Dragon Ball Z fans!
Dragon Ball Culture Volume 5: Demons is now available in print!
Goku and Vegeta have inspired an artist in Spain to create an incredible painting! And it happens to be from the cover of my “It’s Over 9,000!” book! Check out how he did it!!