The Zenkai Power chapter delves into Dragon Ball martial arts and traditional cultivation practices of East Asia.
The Zenkai Power chapter delves into Dragon Ball martial arts and traditional cultivation practices of East Asia.
Speaking of warriors, another character who represents San Zuang in a few noticeable ways is Krillin, a monk from Orin Temple (Japanese: 多林寺, Orinji).
Everybody knows and loves the Potara earrings. But is there more to these simple earrings than meets the eye?
I prefer to write all of my own content and create original posts.But I just discovered some gems of Dragon Ball related philosophy.
James Wong, the director of Dragonball: Evolution was in the audience with his family and praised the Shen Yun show.
The rough draft of The Dao of Dragon Ball is complete. The Divine Combat chapter and the entire Martial Arts section are finished.
I would like to pose an open question to the Dragon Ball community. The question is… what does Dragon Ball mean to you?
The rough draft of Immortal and Invincible has been completed. This means that there is only 1 chapter of the book left to be written.
The Full Lotus position is a seated cross legged position employed in meditation practices throughout the world. In anime and manga it’s often done wrong.