When Did Grandpa Gohan Die? Akira Toriyama Tells Us!

when did grandpa gohan die, akira toriyama tells us in bird land press 15

Dragon Ball fans have always wondered when Grandpa Gohan died and how long Goku was alone on Mt. Paozu before meeting Bulma. Now we know!

I translated a statement by Akira Toriyama in Bird Land Press 15 where he describes when Grandpa Gohan died, prior to Dragon Ball Chapter 1.

Here’s the full translation of Toriyama’s words, from Page 7 of Bird Land Press 15:

“Goku’s grandfather, a master of Daoist Hermit Arts, taught him martial arts, but he passed away two years ago, so Goku now lives alone.”

akira toriyama describes when grandpa gohan died in bird land press 15, posted by dragon ball scholar derek padula

This means Goku was 10 years old when he killed Gohan as the transformed Ōzaru, and then Goku lived alone on Mt. Paozu for 2 years before meeting Bulma.

In the story, Goku only says his grandpa went missing “a long time” ago.

The irony is that Toriyama wrote this in Bird Land Press 15 the same month as the premiere of Dragon Ball Chapter 1, in November, 1984, but it took over 40 years for us to find out.

Grandpa Gohan Context

goku is missing grandpa gohan on mt paozu

This info about Goku’s backstory adds context to Goku’s experience of growing up without his Grandpa Gohan around.

Can you imagine living alone on a mountain for two years as a 10-year-old?

This also helps with events in the calendar, for fans who like that stuff.

How do you feel about this new, yet old, info?

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