Every Dragon Ball fan knows Kame Sennin, the perverted martial arts master. But how many of you have heard of Kume Sennin, the original perverted hermit?
Every Dragon Ball fan knows Kame Sennin, the perverted martial arts master. But how many of you have heard of Kume Sennin, the original perverted hermit?
That’s right, there is now a Dragon Ball religion. It is called Gokuism, also known as The Church of Goku. Can Goku save your soul?
Akira Toriyama incorporates spirit possession in Dragon Ball as a way to propel character development and plot. Discover how ancient culture appears in DBZ.
The following article will reveal the origin, history and inner mechanics of the Kaio Ken martial arts technique, taught to Goku by North Kaio.
The Zenkai Power chapter delves into Dragon Ball martial arts and traditional cultivation practices of East Asia.
New Dragon Ball and DBZ blog posts and e-books are in progress to accompany The Dao of Dragon Ball book.
Right now I have two chapters left to finish before the rough draft of the dbz book will be complete. I think these will be very interesting for dbz fans.
In this Dragon Ball explorative essay we’re going to focus on the martial arts technique known as the double axe handle.
Have you noticed divine aspects in Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z or GT? Here’s 9 of them!