Japan needs the dragon balls and Goku to save the day. Akira Toriyama wrote a message to the Japanese people wishing them good luck in their recovery.
Japan needs the dragon balls and Goku to save the day. Akira Toriyama wrote a message to the Japanese people wishing them good luck in their recovery.
There’s a new cover for The Dao of Dragon Ball book. The theme was to try and capture some of Goku’s personality in a simple and clean way.
In this Dragon Ball explorative essay we’re going to focus on the martial arts technique known as the double axe handle.
If I don’t prioritize my life according to my own intrinsic values, and live according to those values in everything I do, then I’ll never become happy.
To drop preconceived notions and step back is to open our mind to greater wisdom, to enlighten to principles and standards above our current position.
An in-depth review of The Dragon Ball Z Legend: It says on the cover “An essential source for every anime fan”. To that, book cover, I say you are wrong.
Dragonball Z Extreme is a fun and brain teasing activity book fit for young children and young adults, especially DBZ fans.
At the time of its publication (2000) Pojo’s Unofficial Total Dragon Ball Z was the best DBZ book on the market. Even now, in 2007, it’s not so bad.