Read a long-lost interview with Akira Toriyama published in the Tokyopop Germany magazine in 2008!
Read a long-lost interview with Akira Toriyama published in the Tokyopop Germany magazine in 2008!
Why is Vegeta attractive to Dragon Ball fans? A scientific study on sexual attractiveness suggests that it’s his pride.
Enter to win a FREE copy of the Dragon Ball Super Volume 16 manga!
Through endless challenges the Saiyans of Dragon Ball have succeeded in achieving various Super Saiyan transformations. Read my take on the top 5 most iconic forms!
Who are the most dangerous villains in Dragon Ball movie history? In this article you’ll meet the top 3!
With the release of Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero in Japan last month, cases of illegally recorded footage uploads of the film have increased.
On July 22nd a Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero panel discussion will take place at this year’s Comic-Con International at the San Diego Convention Center.
Goku and Vegeta share a complex rivalry throughout Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball Super. Nobuyuki Ota, a Doctor of Educational Psychology, sat down with Entertainment Analyst Maishilo to analyze the two’s relationship from a psychological perspective.
Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero was released in Japan on June 11, and now a novelization of the movie is available for sale in Japan.