Happy Easter, Dragon Ball Fans. Today you’ll discover the ancient cultural connections of our favorite talking white bunny, Boss Rabbit.
Happy Easter, Dragon Ball Fans. Today you’ll discover the ancient cultural connections of our favorite talking white bunny, Boss Rabbit.
Every Dragon Ball fan knows Kame Sennin, the perverted martial arts master. But how many of you have heard of Kume Sennin, the original perverted hermit?
Japan needs the dragon balls and Goku to save the day. Akira Toriyama wrote a message to the Japanese people wishing them good luck in their recovery.
The rough draft of Immortal and Invincible has been completed. This means that there is only 1 chapter of the book left to be written.
There’s a new cover for The Dao of Dragon Ball book. The theme was to try and capture some of Goku’s personality in a simple and clean way.
Right now I have two chapters left to finish before the rough draft of the dbz book will be complete. I think these will be very interesting for dbz fans.