To celebrate the Japanese premiere of Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, the official Shonen Jump YouTube channel released a work and study video featuring Gohan and Piccolo.
To celebrate the Japanese premiere of Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, the official Shonen Jump YouTube channel released a work and study video featuring Gohan and Piccolo.
Read my interview with Daphne Gere, the voice of Maron in FUNimation’s Dragon Ball Z, and the vocalist of Dragon Ball’s ending theme, I’ll Give you Romance!
Vinyl record re-releases of Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z’s opening and ending themes is coming in celebration of the anime’s 35th Anniversary.
Dragon Ball Z, Dr. Slump, and Kamen Rider composer Shunsuke Kikuchi has died at age 89 of aspiration pneumonia.
Are you ready to Step Into the Grand Tour? Join me for an exclusive interview with the creator of the Dragon Ball GT Rap Intro, Shorty the Man!
2.5 million views in 2.5 days. Dragon Ball Z: Light of Hope has gone viral! What better time to “Rock the Dragon” than now?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8NKKnmGoE8 Hironobu Kageyama and his band, JAM Project, are holding a concert in Hollywood on August 18, and I have 2 free tickets for you.
The composer of Dragon Ball GT reveals the origins of the Dragon Ball GT rap intro! Mark Menza interview Part 2!
Join me for an interview with Mark Menza, the composer of FUNimation’s Dragon Ball GT, as we Step into the Grand Tour of GT’s musical production and controversy.