Japanese figure maker S.H. Figuarts is issuing a new Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta across their stores. It is scheduled for a December 2022 release.
Japanese figure maker S.H. Figuarts is issuing a new Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta across their stores. It is scheduled for a December 2022 release.
Read Dragon Ball Infinity, an Egyptian-themed fan-manga that takes the series in an old direction!
Akira Toriyama has commented on the death of his lifelong colleague Koichi Sugiyama, the composer of the Dragon Quest video game series.
Is Gokū a good or bad father? Akira Toriyama has the answer! Read a long-lost translation of Toriyama’s thoughts on Gokū’s parenting skills, and on Gohan and Piccolo’s fatherly relationship.
Dragon Ball New Age returns to my site on June 2, 2021!
Vinyl record re-releases of Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z’s opening and ending themes is coming in celebration of the anime’s 35th Anniversary.
Dragon Ball Z, Dr. Slump, and Kamen Rider composer Shunsuke Kikuchi has died at age 89 of aspiration pneumonia.
The price of my books will increase on January 1, 2021. If you’d like to save money before the price increase, please order your books now.
What is the power of anime? Hear Son Gokū’s voice actor Masako Nozawa share a story about how her voice helped extend the life of a boy with a terminal illness.