The composer of Dragon Ball GT reveals the origins of the Dragon Ball GT rap intro! Mark Menza interview Part 2!
The composer of Dragon Ball GT reveals the origins of the Dragon Ball GT rap intro! Mark Menza interview Part 2!
Join me for an interview with Mark Menza, the composer of FUNimation’s Dragon Ball GT, as we Step into the Grand Tour of GT’s musical production and controversy.
Akira Toriyama – The Master of Manga provides an easy to follow summary of Toriyama’s life, career and success in Japan. But is it worth buying in French?
Part 2 of the Marcus Brimage interview about DBZ and MMA. Why is DBZ so awesome, and how is mixed martial arts different from traditional?
Marcus Brimage, a Mixed Martial Artist from The Ultimate Fighter stated that Dragon Ball Z is why he’s a fighter today! DBZ inspired him to change his life.
Speaking of warriors, another character who represents San Zuang in a few noticeable ways is Krillin, a monk from Orin Temple (Japanese: 多林寺, Orinji).
A true sage can pick up a rock and peer into its inner dimensions, the microcosmic matter and life that lay within, and truly value what’s inside.
Have you noticed divine aspects in Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z or GT? Here’s 9 of them!
You cannot force someone to change their heart. The most effective long-term way to change others is to change oneself.