Youmacon 2015 – Thank You!

youmacon 2015 derek padula booth

Thank you to everyone who came to visit me at Youmacon 2015! You made the convention so memorable!

I was there with Malik, the creator of Dragon Ball New Age. You can read my review of Dragon Ball New Age Volume 1 for my opinion of his work. It’s incredible.

Malik and I make for a good team at a booth, because he gives you the ‘punching and screaming,’ while I give you the ‘heart and soul.’ One’s fiction and fun, while the other is non-fiction and enlightening.

On Saturday night we were both interviewed by local press.

Malik’s interview:

Then on Sunday I gave a presentation called The Truth of Dragon Ball. My co-host was the lovely “BulmaBriefs” from Reddit’s r/dbz.

I was able to meet up with some old friends from school, and revisit some friends I met at the previous Youmacon, including Team Four Star.

youmacon 2015 dragon ball team four star

Team Four Star – (right to left) MasakoX, Antfish, and hbi2k

Not only that, but I got to shake hands with Chuck Huber (Android 17) and Todd Haberkorn (Jaco).

I went there with 44 copies of “It’s Over 9,000!” and 44 copies of Dragon Ball Culture Volume 1. “It’s Over 9,000!” completely sold out, and I only had 11 copies of Culture left!

Dragon Ball Culture came out 2 days before the convention and then premiered there. It was satisfying to see fans who bought my first book last year come back and buy my second book this year.

Want to meet me in person and have your book signed? Or want me to give a presentation at a convention near you? Please ask your local convention staff to invite me. I’ll consider all offers.


There were so many Dragon Ball cosplayers at Youmacon this year. I couldn’t get pictures of all of them, but it’s great to see that Dragon Ball is still so popular.

youmacon 2015 dragon ball cosplay bulma

youmacon 2015 dragon ball cosplay

youmacon 2015 dragon ball cosplay

youmacon 2015 dragon ball cosplay

youmacon 2015 dragon ball cosplay bulma chichi

youmacon 2015 dragon ball cosplay bulma great saiyaman

youmacon 2015 dragon ball cosplay android 17

youmacon 2015 dragon ball cosplay

youmacon 2015 dragon ball cosplay

youmacon 2015 dragon ball cosplay

youmacon 2015 dragon ball cosplay

youmacon 2015 dragon ball cosplay

youmacon 2015 dragon ball cosplay

youmacon 2015 dragon ball cosplay

youmacon 2015 dragon ball cosplay

youmacon 2015 dragon ball cosplay

youmacon 2015 dragon ball cosplay

youmacon 2015 dragon ball cosplay

The Truth of Dragon Ball Presentation

derek padula at the truth of dragon ball presentation

Here are a few slides from The Truth of Dragon Ball presentation.

the truth of dragon ball presentation

the truth of dragon ball presentation

the truth of dragon ball presentation

the truth of dragon ball presentation

The first half focused on the series’ true origin, revealed in Dragon Ball Culture Volume 1.

The second half focused on the truth about the series’ trivia, including misconceptions.

Fans who attended told me they learned a LOT, and that it was a lot of fun. I’m grateful to my co-host, BulmaBriefs, for putting it all together, and bringing great candy, such as Senzu Beans!

Thanks again to all the Dragon Ball fans out there! See you next year!

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