DBZ Blog Articles and e-Books in Progress

SSJ4 Goku Leads the Animals to the Space Ship

SSJ4 Goku Leads the Animals to the Space Ship

Here’s another quick progress update on some interesting dbz blog articles I’m working on.

At my current rate of development and writing it appears I finish one article a month.  Keep in mind that each of these posts is an original creation and not a rehash of already known facts or information that can be found on the internet.  They take a long time and a lot of late nights to research and complete.

Nevertheless, I’d certainly like to do more posts as I love writing about Dragon Ball!

It’s just a matter of balancing all of the other responsibilities in my life.

I’ll be making dbz blog article posts while I make progress on the book, and now I want to reveal some of the articles I’m writing so you have something to look forward to as the book nears its release date.

Here are a few in progress…

The Sacred Dance of Eldar Kai

Eldar Kai's Sacred Dance

Eldar Kai's Sacred Dance

This article will detail the Eldar Kai’s “power up” dance that he performs to unlock Gohan’s latent potential in the Majin Buu saga.  This dance is really silly looking and funny, but it may surprise you to know that there are some deep connections with Japanese and Tibetan culture in this dance.

There are numerous other aspects of Eldar Kai that have connections to ancient culture.

I’ll also attempt to explain how the “power up” dance actually works!  So stay tuned for that.

Racism in Dragon Ball

Concept Art for Mr. Popo by Akira Toriyama

Concept Art for Mr. Popo by Akira Toriyama

An in-depth report on the subjects of race and racism in Dragon Ball, along with fan opinions on notable characters, their transformations, and the reasons behind the existence of these racist elements, if they exist at all.

There are very few places on the internet that discuss this topic seriously, with the majority curtailing into jokes and racial insults. So I hope to add a bit of credibility back into this topic and create a definitive post on the subject.

I’ll cover some of the more well known one’s, like Mr. Popo, but we’ll also go a bit further into Japanese culture and the possible mindset of the creator.

Most interestingly, I will attempt to answer the great question: Is Goku white?

Goku’s Test of Lust – Dragon Princess and Snake Way

Goku Tango Dances with Princess Snake

Goku Tango Dances with Princess Snake

Goku’s Test of Lust – Dragon Princess and Snake Way will uncover the connections between Princess Snake, the Snake Way (Road), Goku, the journey’s of mythical hero’s and Buddhist iconography and figures.

The episode where Goku is traveling along Snake Way and is sucked inside the giant female snake, passes numerous tests, and then continues along his journey is filled with symbolism and archetypal imagery.  It also follows a traditional story telling method used to teach moral lessons.  And all of that while being a filler episode!

When you combine this with numerous ancient symbols and spiritual concepts from eastern thought you are left with a very interesting episode.  In this article I’ll reveal them all.

The True Story of Mr. Satan Bonus Item

Mr. Satan Issues a Challenge

Mr. Satan Issues a Challenge

The True Story of Mr. Satan is a full bonus e-book about Mr. Satan, his exploits, and the most likely real world inspiration for this character.

Through research and discussions with fellow martial artists, historians, and my own personal experience I have compiled an e-book that discloses the most likely inspiration for Akira Toriyama’s Mr. Satan character.

I can’t go into too many details now, but the end result may just change the way you look at Mr. Satan forever.

This e-book will be delivered to you for free when you order The Dao of Dragon Ball book, along with the Over 9,000! bonus item that discloses the cultural impact and history of the Over 9,000! internet phenomenon.

How to Train like Goku Bonus Item


The third and final bonus item for ordering The Dao of Dragon Ball is a “how to” manual on training like Goku!

How to Train like Goku will reveal a step by step process on how you can train like Goku and become more like him.  What are his training methods, and why are they so effective?  Can these methods be applied to our own lives?  If not, why not, and if so, then how?

In addition, we’ll go over the anatomy of a Saiya-jin and discover what makes them the ultimate fighters and gives them a natural edge in their training.

This dbz e-book will also unveil the secret to Goku’s continual success.  The most important and integral piece to the puzzle of Goku’s mysterious power.

So if you’ve always wanted to become like Goku or wondered how (and if) it was possible, you now have something to look forward to!

Other Articles

There are a near endless amount of articles I could write about Dragon Ball, but I need to limit myself to these for the time being.  I still have to finish the book and all.

So if there are any subjects you’re dying to know more about or have some thoughts on the ones above, then please write in the comments below or send me a question through the contact form.  I’m always on the look out for more subject material. Thanks!

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