Dragon Ball Website Redesign – The Dao of Dragon Ball 2.0

The new Dragon Ball Book website

The new Dragon Ball Book website

Hi everybody,

If you’ve been to The Dao of Dragon Ball’s main website recently you may have noticed the complete overhaul to the layout and design. That’s because it’s all brand new!

I decided to go with a big, simple and easy to understand design that would help explain what the book is all about and provide enough incentive to make a buying decision.

The site now has a much cleaner layout and a beautiful color scheme that is easy on the eyes.

There are also web 2.0 functionalities involved, like the AJAX contact form, and I plan to add a few more in the future.

Perhaps you remember the old site, with a huge and lengthy index page, the bright orange color scheme and the separate pages for English and Japanese.  Well, one of the readers (who speaks fluent Japanese) mentioned that the Japanese sections were incoherent nonsense.  Thank’s Google Translate!  So that section is gone now.

And while I initially liked the long sales letter on the home page, it turns out that nobody was reading it!  A lot more people are sticking around with the new design.

I’m really happy with the way the new site looks and functions and I hope you guys like it too!

//Get only the approved comments $args = array( 'status' => 'approve' ); // The comment Query $comments_query = new WP_Comment_Query; $comments = $comments_query->query( $args ); // Comment Loop if ( $comments ) { foreach ( $comments as $comment ) { echo '

' . $comment->comment_content . '

'; } } else { echo 'No comments found.'; }