Dragon Ball Trivia Battle Announced!!

dragon ball trivia battle with derek padula, the dragon ball scholar

Are you a Dragon Ball expert? Prove it and win cash prizes in the Dragon Ball Trivia Battle, hosted by Dragon Ball Scholar Derek Padula!

What: The Dragon Ball Trivia Battle will be a global event open to 500 fans. You must purchase tickets to be eligible for prizes.

When: The inaugural event will occur on Thursday, December 22, at 8 pm EST.

Where: It will be a virtual event that will be livestreamed by Derek Padula on his social media channels @derekpadula, on his YouTube, Facebook personal, Facebook page, Twitter, Twitch, LinkedIn Personal, and LinkedIn Company.

Cost: $10 plus processing fees. Buy your tickets at EventZilla. Save 5% for buying 2 or more tickets at once. Buy them as gifts for your friends or family.

Tickets are processed on EventZilla and can be purchased with major credit and debit cards.

You can also purchase it here with this form:

Prizes: Every ticket purchased adds money to the prize pool. The more tickets sold, the greater the prize pool.

Donations will also be accepted during the livestream to increase the prize pool via my PayPal.me.

  • The 1st place winner will receive 10% of the prize pool.
  • 2nd place will receive 5% of the prize pool.
  • 3rd place will receive a book or ebook of their choice worth $5 to $20.

The maximum prize for 1st place is $500, and for 2nd place is $250, depending on all 500 tickets being sold. Actual prize will vary based on sales, donations, and discounts for group sales.

NOTE: If a minimum of 50 tickets are not sold, then all Top 3 winners will receive $10 and a free e-book of their choice from my non-fiction Dragon Ball books.

Everyone who buys a ticket will receive a participation prize after the event!

Subject Matter and Format: Dragon Ball is a massive series with 38 years of content and trivia to test you on. There are many subjects to choose from.

For this event, there will be three rounds of 10 questions each, on these three themes:

  • General Trivia
  • Real People (artists, voice actors, animators, composers, etc.)
  • Mystery Round

Questions will be timed. Somewhere between 20 to 45 seconds, as I refine the format.

The faster you answer, the more points you receive.

The event will be held in English, with English commentary. International fans are welcome.

Difficulty: Some Dragon Ball fans are new to the series, while others are walking encyclopedias.

This is a paid event, but it’s also the first Trivia Battle and I have to make it accessible to everyone, so I will include a mix of easy, medium, and hard questions.

There will be a survey after the event for you to express your opinion on the difficulty and what you’d like to see in in a future event.

More Info: Further details and instructions on how to join and play the game will be delivered to your email address after a ticket is purchased.

If you don’t register, then you can’t win a prize.

Register Now while you still can!

Legal Disclaimer: This is not an official event sponsored by Toei, Shueisha, or other license holders of the Dragon Ball franchise. This is a fan-run event made by a fan, for other fans. It’s the equivalent of going to a bar and paying to enter a trivia night, except it’s virtual.

Why Charge?: The reason I’m charging an entry fee is three-fold.

It has cost me over $1,200 to buy the software and hardware to run the event, plus the unpaid man hours of energy, time, and effort to learn how to use the software, write the questions, produce the slides, market it, and host it. In addition, the opportunity cost of working on this instead of other projects, such as writing books that I sell to fans. So I’d like to at least make my money back.

It brings in the serious fans who want to have fun for an evening, rather than people who may waste my time and energy. People don’t value free. I could spend all this money and host the event, and then nobody shows up? That’s not fun for anyone. The goal is to have fun as a community.

It incentivizes and rewards the fans who have loved this series for years.

Now let’s have a good time at the event!

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