Halloween Dragon Ball Book Giveaway Winner!

Did YOU win my Halloween Dragon Ball Book Giveaway? Read to find out!

Video Transcript

halloween dragon ball book giveaway winner

Hey, this is Derek Padula, the Dragon Ball Scholar, in this video, I’m going to reveal the prize winner of my Halloween Dragon Ball book giveaway.

And I have no idea who won. It’s all determined by random chance. So let’s dive in to the giveaway software and then we’ll go through it together and I’ll find out at the same time as you.

OK, so here we are in my giveaway software. And as you can see, this is the Dragon Ball Halloween giveaway, and it was held from October 30th until November 1st. And there are 77 contestants for a total of 1885 entries.

Now, you got three entries for entering the contest, but you could also get more for following me on social media and sharing the contest and doing other cool things like that. some people have more entries than others and that increase their chances.

So let’s find out who won the award together.

The winner was ParanomMusic!

Well, congratulations, Paranom. This person made 41 entries. There was a 2% chance that they won.

Congratulations ParanomMusic. You are the grand prize winner.

But if you did not win, that is OK because I’m going to send you a consolation prize, a 10% off coupon for any book that I’ve written. And you can order direct from me and I will send you signed copies.

So there you go. Everybody wins.

Thank you again for entering my contest and be sure to subscribe and follow me on social media so that you can be notified of contests in the future.

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