MistareFusion Reviews Dragon Ball Culture

MistareFusion reviews Dragon Ball Culture Volumes 1 and 2, and interviews me!

Lance Rumowicz is a diehard Dragon Ball fan and the creator of Dragon Ball Dissection.

This is a multi-part series where Lance goes through the entire Dragon Ball series from beginning to end and analyzes it on an intellectual level to show you the deeper aspects of your favorite show.

He’s the perfect guy to review Dragon Ball Culture and tell you if it’s worth reading.

I sent Lance a copy of Volume 1 and Volume 2 in print, and he was kind enough to turn his review into a video.

We also did an exclusive interview, so you can learn more about the books, their value, and their origin!

To address one of the concerns he mentioned about grammar mistakes, I recently updated the text and they’ve all been fixed!

Follow Lance on YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter to watch the rest of his Dissection!

//Get only the approved comments $args = array( 'status' => 'approve' ); // The comment Query $comments_query = new WP_Comment_Query; $comments = $comments_query->query( $args ); // Comment Loop if ( $comments ) { foreach ( $comments as $comment ) { echo '

' . $comment->comment_content . '

'; } } else { echo 'No comments found.'; }