Discover the cloud-soul in Dragon Ball! What is the cloud-soul? What is its purpose? How is it portrayed? And where did Toriyama receive his inspiration?
Discover the cloud-soul in Dragon Ball! What is the cloud-soul? What is its purpose? How is it portrayed? And where did Toriyama receive his inspiration?
Goku’s a good guy, but is he as good as Jesus? Brazilian Dragon Ball Z fans took to the streets to “March for Goku” and share the Good News about their hero.
The Room of Spirit and Time is a special dimension where the Z-Warriors train to refine their spirit, and it has profound inner meaning. Will you walk through the door?
That’s right, there is now a Dragon Ball religion. It is called Gokuism, also known as The Church of Goku. Can Goku save your soul?
Akira Toriyama incorporates spirit possession in Dragon Ball as a way to propel character development and plot. Discover how ancient culture appears in DBZ.
Have you noticed divine aspects in Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z or GT? Here’s 9 of them!