Attending Anime Expo I’ll be attending Anime Expo from July 1 to July 4, in Los Angeles, CA. If you’re going to Anime Expo this year and want to get together, drop me a line.
Anger and Focus in Dragon Ball In Dragon Ball, pain sharpens focus. Comfort dulls it. Anger and pain narrow the mind. Compassion and tolerance broaden the mind.
Refocused Progress update on the book: The editors are working on their draft now and I’ll take their notes and apply it during my next wave of edits. In the mean time, cleaning things up and getting ready!
Editors Chosen Hey everybody. I made a decision that will take the book one step closer to completion. I hired a pair of professional editors. Both editors are from the San Francisco Bay Area. I imagine that their expertise will enable the book to reach the next level. It required several weeks of interviews and a lot of soul searching to make the final decisions, so here’s hoping for the best!
Potara, Potala, Potaraka Everybody knows and loves the Potara earrings. But is there more to these simple earrings than meets the eye?
Rough Draft Complete! The rough draft of The Dao of Dragon Ball is complete. The Divine Combat chapter and the entire Martial Arts section are finished.
What Does Dragon Ball Mean to You? I would like to pose an open question to the Dragon Ball community. The question is… what does Dragon Ball mean to you?
The Lotus Position in Anime And Manga The Full Lotus position is a seated cross legged position employed in meditation practices throughout the world. In anime and manga it’s often done wrong.
Dragon Ball Book Trailer Released The Dao of Dragon Ball has an exciting new trailer! It’s a short teaser of what the book contains and why it might interest you.