Dragon Ball Kai Anime is Back! The long awaited return of Dragon Ball Kai is here. The April issue of V-Jump Magazine and their official website state that the Majin Buu Arc will air on Japanese TV on April 6.
Dragon Ball Culture Table of Contents Dragon Ball Culture will change how you see Dragon Ball, and here’s a preview of the table of contents.
Senzu Explained Senzu, the magical beans that save lives. Think you know what they’re all about? Well, think again.
DBZ Haters Gonna Hate You ever feel like the world hates you? I now have a hate group on Facebook called “All against Derek Padula,” so I know at least one person does.
“Ossu! Ora Goku!” Explained “Ossu! Ora Goku!” (押っ忍! オラ悟空!) If you’ve seen Dragon Ball in Japanese, then you’ve heard Goku say this phrase. But do you know what it means or why Goku says it?
Animazement Closing Ceremonies Animazement has come to a close, and as fitting as it sounds, here are the closing ceremonies with the Dragon Ball voice actors.
Dragon Ball Cosplay at Animazement Dragon Ball cosplay was alive and well at Animazement 2013, and this post showcases all the cosplayers I found during my visit.
Toshio Furukawa Panel at Animazement Have you ever wanted to know more about Piccolo’s voice, or had questions about Piccolo’s relationship with Gohan? If so, read this article!