Why is Vegeta attractive to Dragon Ball fans? A scientific study on sexual attractiveness suggests that it’s his pride.
Why is Vegeta attractive to Dragon Ball fans? A scientific study on sexual attractiveness suggests that it’s his pride.
Goku and Vegeta share a complex rivalry throughout Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball Super. Nobuyuki Ota, a Doctor of Educational Psychology, sat down with Entertainment Analyst Maishilo to analyze the two’s relationship from a psychological perspective.
Vegeta and Goku’s fight in the early stage of the Majin Buu Arc was an iconic moment in Dragon Ball Z, but what about the conflict that preceded it?
A Dragon Ball outtakes reel filled with profanity has caused controversy among the fandom. It has also lead to calls for those involved to be fired.
Discover the cloud-soul in Dragon Ball! What is the cloud-soul? What is its purpose? How is it portrayed? And where did Toriyama receive his inspiration?
Dragon Soul: 30 Years of Dragon Ball Fandom is now available in print!!
The Room of Spirit and Time is a special dimension where the Z-Warriors train to refine their spirit, and it has profound inner meaning. Will you walk through the door?
Shadowland Magazine published an article about Dragon Ball Z for their spring issue called “Cell: The Perfect Monster.” And it was written by me!
Join the team behind the Goku Vs. Superman DEATH BATTLE and experts from across the world as we discuss the ultimate battle between the ultimate heroes.