MistareFusion reviews Dragon Ball Culture Volumes 1 and 2, and interviews me!
MistareFusion reviews Dragon Ball Culture Volumes 1 and 2, and interviews me!
Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F’ is everything Dragon Ball Z fans love about the series.
Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods is now in theaters across the United States and Canada. So how does DBZ perform on the silver screen?
An in-depth review of The Dragon Ball Z Legend: It says on the cover “An essential source for every anime fan”. To that, book cover, I say you are wrong.
An in-depth review of Pojo’s Unofficial Dragon Ball Z Cards Simplified: A Player’s Guide book. A very detailed and informative read.
Truly, Dragon Ball Z :An Unauthorized Guide should never be read, by anybody, including DBZ fans. I don’t even know where to begin with reviewing this book.
Dragonball Z Extreme is a fun and brain teasing activity book fit for young children and young adults, especially DBZ fans.
At the time of its publication (2000) Pojo’s Unofficial Total Dragon Ball Z was the best DBZ book on the market. Even now, in 2007, it’s not so bad.