Ever wanted to run with Goku and Vegeta? Now you can, as the official Dragon Ball Run has been announced in Japan!
Ever wanted to run with Goku and Vegeta? Now you can, as the official Dragon Ball Run has been announced in Japan!
Dragon Soul: 30 Years of Dragon Ball Fandom is now available in print!!
Today’s the day that Dragon Soul: 30 Years of Dragon Ball Fandom is supposed to be published. So where is it?
Animazement has come to a close, and as fitting as it sounds, here are the closing ceremonies with the Dragon Ball voice actors.
Two Videl’s from two different countries, brought together in one place for the first time.
Ryusei Nakao gave fans a chance to voice act as Freeza from Dragon Ball, with Freeza himself supporting their performance.
What happens when Goku meets Goku? Watch Masako Nozawa from Japan and Sean Schemmel from the United States perform Fusion and become the ultimate warrior!
Have you ever wanted to know more about Piccolo’s voice, or had questions about Piccolo’s relationship with Gohan? If so, read this article!