Dragon Ball Culture Progress Update
When is Dragon Ball Culture coming out? I’ve been getting that question a lot lately.
Here’s the update!
Current Progress
The rough draft of Dragon Ball Culture is 81% complete.
Click here for the Dragon Ball Culture table of contents post.
Looking at this as a guide, Part 1 is 66% complete. Part 2 is 94% complete. And Part 3 is 87% complete. Some parts are longer than others, so with weighted averages it comes out to 81%.
How long is the book?
It is already over 600 pages in a Word document. This means that when it is formatted into a book it may end up at around 800 pages!
You’ll learn more about Dragon Ball than you ever thought possible, and it will be entertaining, informative, and inspiring.
I’m pouring my heart and soul into it each day. I’m creating a book that Dragon Ball fans will cherish for years to come.
When is it coming out?
I don’t have a release date yet, but there are some anime conventions taking place in November that I’d like to attend, including Youmacon in Detroit.
My goal is to finish the book and have it available for these conventions.
I’m working hard on it and really appreciate your support. Without the continual book sales of “It’s Over 9,000!” I wouldn’t be able to focus on this book and have it live up to your expectations.
Please be sure to share it with others and leave a positive review if you enjoyed it.
I’ll keep you updated as the book nears completion.