Dragon Ball Z: Light of Hope Music Video

2.5 million views in 2.5 days. Dragon Ball Z: Light of Hope has gone viral! What better time to “Rock the Dragon” than now?

Watch the composer for Light of Hope, Abraham Castañeda, perform his rendition of the classic theme song to the American Dragon Ball Z.

You can download the song here.

And while you’re rocking out, check out some of the great coverage we received from these major media and press.

Movie Pilot, Kotaku, Anime News Network, Crunchy Roll, Reddit/r/dbz, and Uproxx.

An interview with me on Real Gamer Newz.

A podcast with me to discuss the making of Light of Hope, on The CJK Workshop – Episode 203.

And dozens more.

Thank you to everyone who supported us during the making of Light of Hope, and to all the new fans.

If you’d like to see an Episode 2, please donate to Robot Underdog!

//Get only the approved comments $args = array( 'status' => 'approve' ); // The comment Query $comments_query = new WP_Comment_Query; $comments = $comments_query->query( $args ); // Comment Loop if ( $comments ) { foreach ( $comments as $comment ) { echo '

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