New Dragon Ball Z Movie in 2015!

new dragon ball z movie 2015 akira toriyama

Akira Toriyama is writing a new Dragon Ball Z movie to be released in 2015!

Anime News Network reports that the official announcement will be made in this Saturday’s V Jump magazine published by Shueisha.

The new Dragon Ball Z movie will premiere during the Golden Week string of holidays in Japan next Spring. This is a 7 day period from April 29 to May 5.

According to Anime News Network:

Akira Toriyama is personally credited with the original concept, screenplay and character designs of the new movie “that the entire universe eagerly awaits!!”

Toriyama states in the magazine “I thought up the new story for the next Dragon Ball theatrical movie as though it were a continuation of the manga when it was in serialization.”

He has written the script from scratch and has taken extra care to draw the art and dialogue, saying, “I can obsess completely over the smallest bits of dialogue.”

Reportedly there will be more action scenes than in Battle of Gods, and according to Toriyama it will be “utterly funny.”

Even Toriyama’s strict editor while working on Dragon Ball, Kazuhiko Torishima-san, has praised Toriyama’s script. This is rare, as Torishima-san usually criticized his work or shut down his ideas. This suggests that the script represents some of Toriyama’s best work to date.

Toriyama is currently drawing new character designs for the film and asks you to look forward to the movie!

Akira Toriyama’s Announcement translated Toriyama’s writing in the announcement. Here is the English text, and click that link for the original Japanese or to leave a comment and thank them.

“[As with the last movie], I thought up the new story for the next Dragon Ball theatrical movie as though it were a continuation of the manga when it was in serialization. Just the fact that I don’t have to draw anything means I can obsess completely over the smallest bits of dialogue. Well, the truth is that I wasn’t planning on going that far, since it’s pretty exhausting at my age, but I got a little carried away.

This time will of course be a continuation of the previous Battle of Gods, but I’ve deliberately increased the amount of action scenes by a good deal. With regards to the contents, they told me, “Keep it a secret!” like they’re all high-and-mighty, so I can’t touch on it yet, but it should be super-duper interesting!

The fact that I’d say that, when I’m not big on the flashy action-stuff, means there’s no doubt about it! Even my very first editor Torishima, who rarely ever praises me, said, “This is good!”

Absolutely no doubt about it! …Although it won’t be any good if I say that too loudly and people end up disappointed by it, but at the very least, I’m confident that the contents are something that the fans will be able to thoroughly enjoy! Right now, I’m drawing the design illustrations for the new character[s] and such. The movie’s completion is still a ways out in the future, but please look forward to it!!”


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