Attending Anime Expo

dragon ball gt group

I’ll be attending Anime Expo from July 1 to July 4, in Los Angeles, CA.

If you’re going to Anime Expo this year and want to get together, then drop me a line on the contact form or via facebook.

I’m going as a journalist for The Epoch Times, and also because it’s a good opportunity to be nerdy and have some fun.

For those who don’t know, Anime Expo is the largest anime and Japanese pop culture conference in North America. Hundreds of thousands of people come every year during the 4th of July weekend. Next year I want to be there to promote my Dragon Ball book.

I’d love to meet with you so we can talk about Dragon Ball or simply hang out, play games and become friends.

And it will also be interesting to see what type of a presence Dragon Ball has at this years conference. The last two years have been rather sparse, aside from an occasional cosplayer.

Hope to see you there!

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