New Dragon Ball Facebook Page

Dragon Ball ReunionHere’s a quick little update to let you know about The Dao of Dragon Ball Facebook page.

Win a FREE copy of The Dao of Dragon Ball book by Liking the Facebook page!

Or Follow me on Twitter to enter the contest!

Better yet. Do both! Your name will be entered twice!

I had to create this new page because the old group was being archived by Facebook, since it was part of their old format.

Please be sure to like the page and tell all of your friends about it as well. The website is becoming more popular, and I’d like to make sure that trend continues!

//Get only the approved comments $args = array( 'status' => 'approve' ); // The comment Query $comments_query = new WP_Comment_Query; $comments = $comments_query->query( $args ); // Comment Loop if ( $comments ) { foreach ( $comments as $comment ) { echo '

' . $comment->comment_content . '

'; } } else { echo 'No comments found.'; }