Welcome back to part 5 of the multi-part series on Dragon Ball tattoos. There is a new threat to the galaxy, and our heroes come together to defend it!
Welcome back to part 5 of the multi-part series on Dragon Ball tattoos. There is a new threat to the galaxy, and our heroes come together to defend it!
Part 4 of The Dao of Dragon Ball tattoo series is here! Watch these Heroes and Villains face off in a battle for the galaxy!
In Dragon Ball, the Kiai is taken to an extreme. Akira Toriyama draws upon ancient martial arts beliefs and makes them supernormal.
Dragon Ball had a fairly strong representation at the 2011 Anime Expo in Los Angeles. It seems the fandom for this series will live on eternally.
The book is undergoing a transformation process, like how Goku and Gohan entered the Room of Spirit and Time and came out super strong.
In this Dragon Ball explorative essay we’re going to focus on the martial arts technique known as the double axe handle.
An in-depth review of Pojo’s Unofficial Dragon Ball Z Cards Simplified: A Player’s Guide book. A very detailed and informative read.