Are you a Dragon Ball expert? Prove it and win cash prizes in the Dragon Ball Trivia Battle, hosted by Dragon Ball Scholar Derek Padula!
Are you a Dragon Ball expert? Prove it and win cash prizes in the Dragon Ball Trivia Battle, hosted by Dragon Ball Scholar Derek Padula!
Why is Vegeta attractive to Dragon Ball fans? A scientific study on sexual attractiveness suggests that it’s his pride.
Enter to win a FREE copy of the Dragon Ball Super Volume 16 manga!
Who are the best Dragon Ball couple? On Valentine’s Day I held a poll to find out who fans feel are the #1 couple. Read this article to see my analysis.
Dragon Ball Culture Daily is a new series of FREE daily posts about Dragon Ball’s culture, history, and lore.
I’m happy to announce that I am now being represented at conventions by Guest Relation Guy!
A new study about the Dragon Ball comic is being conducted to determine if Dragon Ball can boost positive intellectual, emotional, and social skills.
Goku’s a good guy, but is he as good as Jesus? Brazilian Dragon Ball Z fans took to the streets to “March for Goku” and share the Good News about their hero.
You ever feel like the world hates you? I now have a hate group on Facebook called “All against Derek Padula,” so I know at least one person does.