The supernormal abilities depicted in Dragon Ball are actually possible, and a reader requested an update on The Dao of Dragon Ball book’s progress.
The supernormal abilities depicted in Dragon Ball are actually possible, and a reader requested an update on The Dao of Dragon Ball book’s progress.
Progress update on the book: The editors are working on their draft now and I’ll take their notes and apply it during my next wave of edits. In the mean time, cleaning things up and getting ready!
Hey everybody. I made a decision that will take the book one step closer to completion. I hired a pair of professional editors. Both editors are from the San Francisco Bay Area. I imagine that their expertise will enable the book to reach the next level. It required several weeks of interviews and a lot of soul searching to make the final decisions, so here’s hoping for the best!
The book is undergoing a transformation process, like how Goku and Gohan entered the Room of Spirit and Time and came out super strong.
The rough draft of The Dao of Dragon Ball is complete. The Divine Combat chapter and the entire Martial Arts section are finished.
The rough draft of Immortal and Invincible has been completed. This means that there is only 1 chapter of the book left to be written.
The Dao of Dragon Ball has an exciting new trailer! It’s a short teaser of what the book contains and why it might interest you.
There’s a new cover for The Dao of Dragon Ball book. The theme was to try and capture some of Goku’s personality in a simple and clean way.
The website and the blog have just performed the fusion dance and are now an entirely new and all powerful warrior!