Discover why Dragon Ball matters and why I write about it in this insightful interview on Year of Writing with host Omar Khafagy.
Discover why Dragon Ball matters and why I write about it in this insightful interview on Year of Writing with host Omar Khafagy.
Goku’s a good guy, but is he as good as Jesus? Brazilian Dragon Ball Z fans took to the streets to “March for Goku” and share the Good News about their hero.
When is Dragon Ball Culture coming out? I’ve been getting that question a lot lately. Here’s the update!
A new Dragon Ball Z video game has been announced at this years E3 conference, titled Dragon Ball Xenoverse.
Dragon Ball Z: Light of Hope is in full production. Check out these exciting new behind the scenes photographs and videos from the shoot.
FUNimation has announced that Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods will be dubbed in English and is coming to theaters in the United States and Canada this summer!
Dragon Ball Z: Light of Hope’s crowd funding campaign raised $6,827! Thank you!! You guys rock the dragon!!
Dragon Ball Z: Light of Hope has been getting great coverage lately as the project kicks into second gear. Here’s a news roundup in case you missed it.
Robot Underdog published the first interviews with the Dragon Ball Z: Light of Hope actors. Who are these men and women that will bring Dragon Ball Z to life?